Are you living ' In-Fear-Of ' because of your Cardiac Disease?
Do you feel that living with cardiac disease somehow means emotional chaos, unrelenting physical limitations, medication side effects, financial burdens, social isolation, fear of complications, impact on relationships and intimacy, future uncertainty, ripple effect at work, or even the loss of everything fun or never finding that joy again?
Is this You?..........It used to be me until I PARTNERED with it!
Take a deep breath, have courage, follow me, I can help....

ESPECIALLY during these uncertain times...
Download My Brand New Motivational Quote Book. Wide range of topics rom business to personal to my being accountable to a life with cardiac disease; Download because it's amazing and FREE!
Fill in The Form Below To Immediately Download this amazing Motivational Quote Book. Get It Right Now, download, It’s FREE!
You are definitely going to want to down load this. Just enter your email above and i'll email you periodically with some great material. It's very possible that you will get bored after a few months of my wisdom, and you'll probably unsubscribe. It won't be secret, i'll see it, and it might cause a palpitation or two, but thats ok, i'll survive; but you'll already have part of my DNA. OH, I have a few more FREE downloads at the bottom of this page, check them out!
Meet Allan Wich
As of this writing, Allan has logged over 548,976 hours traversing cardiac adversity and chaos. As a congenital cardiac survivor enduring 4 open-heart surgeries, being shocked with external paddles on 11 separate occasions and surviving a cardiac arrest that left him dead for 26 minutes (brought back only after 2 paramedic teams administered 8 cardiac shocks and 6 cardiac injections), all while designing hospitals and hotels in his professional years, he has developed tools and best practices that have created for him a thriving life. How? By 'Partnering With His Heart'.™ He shows others how to 'Partner' as well and how to unlock their genius potential, to avoid a life of minutia and indifference; having emerged himself from history birthed in invisibility, chaos and unknown futures.
He is now bringing these principles and best practices to individuals and even board rooms & conference rooms where navigating adversity and chaos is more relevant than ever before.
What Others Are Saying

HEARTBEAT LEADERSHIP presents The Allan Wich Project
We will help you change the world, by helping you change your trajectory!
An Inspirational Speaker On Adversity / Change / Survival / Prosperity

A Pre-recorded, Unique, Transformative and Experiential Keynote; the perfect solution to your remote needs.
I'd be honored to be your Theatrical Corporate Keynote Story Teller at your next event, webcast, or online event!
Experts say that it takes between 10,000 & 20,000 hours to master something. I have over 544,320 hours thriving through adversity and chaos by creating differentiation, being disruptive and pivoting. There is no better time than NOW to embrace these skills.
Where Allan Has Been Seen

Allan's Interview on How He Died, Why He Lives and How We Benefit From His Journey!
Gamified Lifestyling Journal
For those living with cardiac disease

Founder - Partnering With Your Heart Journal, Gamified Lifestyling!
Through this 'Gamified' 90-day Journal, I help Entrepreneurs, CEO's, Business Owners & their families, who are frustrated with how to live abundantly with cardiac disease, punch through limiting ceilings, bondage, frustration and loneliness, in order to THRIVE by 'Partnering With The Heart God Gave Them.'
Allan was born with cardiac disease; had 4 open-heart surgeries, recipient of one mechanical aortic valve, shocked by external paddles on 16 separate occasions, died for 26 minutes from a cardiac arrest, and recipient of an internal pacemaker/defibrillator. As a result, Allan THRIVES in life and in business...and he can teach you how too!
FREE Downloads of Allan's Books!
FREE Download, co-authored: "The Change 6"
Insights into Self Empowerment; Top Co-authors share Life-Enhancing Realizations
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FREE Download, Co-authored "Natural & Holistic Healing"
The Ultimate Guide to Health & Wellness - 2016!
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FREE Download "Leaving An Impression"
Recognizing Our Teachers and Reducing Their Burdens, Isn't It Time We Delivered?!
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FREE Download "10 Pillars of Recruiting Mastery"
The tools to create your UNCONTESTED MARKET SPACE 42% faster than without them!
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